Courtney Kaup, PT, DPT
Courtney is a Physical Therapist practicing in Outpatient orthopedics since 2005. She has a B.S. degree in Biology from George Mason University and earned her Doctorate of Physical Therapy from University of Colorado Health Sciences in 2004. After starting her career in Maryland, Courtney moved to Vermont and has been practicing PT in Chittenden County before landing in the Waterbury VASTA PT location.
Courtney’s treatment style is multifaceted. She combines manual therapy techniques, such as mobilizations with movement, Integrative Dry Needling, Graston Technique, with progressive resistive exercises and functional movement patterns. She creates an individualized course of treatment to educate and promote a patient’s return to function without limitations.
Courtney competed in Division I Basketball at George Mason and in World Championships of both Ironman and Xterra triathlons. In 2016, she was recognized as the USAT Off Road Amateur Triathlete of the Year. Courtney pushes herself in an effort to connect with her patients who are also working hard to push themselves. Courtney works with all levels of athletes: youth, recreational, elite endurance.
Courtney can be reached at
Personal: Even though Courtney hails from Pennsylvania, she is enthusiastic about Vermont and the outdoor lifestyle embedded in the Green Mountains. When she is not in the clinic, you can find her playing in nature or working ski patrol at Bolton Valley Ski Resort. Courtney lives among the trees and trails of Richmond with her wife and their dogs, Cadence and Cavan.