Running Shoes
As a Sports Physical Therapist who works with a lot of runners, I am asked this question frequently. These poor, unsuspecting souls typically get a 20-minute diatribe as an answer. Allow me to explain.

Hamstring “Strains”
The words ‘strain’ or ‘pull’ are somewhat arbitrary; both of these terms are referring to a tear of the muscle. These tears can be complete or “near complete” (subtotal) – but this is rare. More frequently we see partial tears. These are classified as either minor, or moderate depending on the extent of tearing. Most readers may be familiar with a grading system that the sports medicine community is trying to move away from.

Tennis Elbow
Tennis Elbow (TE), also known as Lateral Epicondylalgia, is a repetitive stress injury effecting the muscles and tendons that attach to your lateral elbow. Extensor carpi radialis brevis and extensor digitorum communis are the two most commonly effected muscles.

AC Joint
The Acromioclavicular (AC) joint is the connection between your collarbone (clavicle) and shoulder blade (scapula) – the only boney attachment between your arm and your trunk.

The 5 Best Exercises to Prevent Injuries & Improve Performance in Runners
Running is a popular sport for many people, for some it is to stay in shape, for others it is for their own mental health, and for some it is a community they enjoy competing in. Regardless of the reason why you run, there are several aspects of your training that might put you at risk of injury. To keep you out on the roads, tracks and treadmills lets look at some strength exercises to help ward off injury.

Achilles Tendonitis
In Vermont there is an abundance of runners who tough out the hilly roads and muddy trails year round, but there comes a time when even the some of the toughest runners around transition inside and onto a treadmill. Spending significant time on a treadmill sometimes leads to injury as there is an increased load on the Achilles tendon.